Questions from July 9

Why types of questions have we received lately at Question Box?

  • How can one control Avocado fruits from getting rotten and falling off?
  • Which criteria can a farmer use to select eggs which can hatch only cocks
  • An s.6 student wants to invest but he has only 100.000/=, how can u help him invest in something good without getting a loan?
  • how can one control the moto weed which destroys crops?
  • how long does it take for banana suckers to dry without being affected by diseases?
  • the man's pig has wounds on its ears what should he use to treat it ?

Currently our service is being used as part of an Agricultural study with our partners at the Grameen and the Gates Foundations. So questions like the ones about livestock and farming are expected. However, it's always interesting for us when we get questions that don't fall into those categories. For instance, the question above about investment is particularly interesting to Question Box.


Because there are a lack of viable financial solutions and related education solutions for rural populations. Are there other students in this area that are interested in saving/investing? If not, can this particular student be motivated in some way to help us serve his community? Are there programs in place that can even facilitate this type of investment? 100.000 Ugandan Shillings is about fifty dollars and half to a third of the cost of average school fees here which is actually a lot of money in this particular region.